Regular meditation classes
Experience the best.
Experienced and regular facilitators Val Druce, Darren Fahroedin and Karen Mayer from the health professions have been teaching at the centre for the past 18 years. Carl Kay, experienced in meditation also teaches.
All welcome.
Regular meditation classes
Darren Fahroedin and Carl Kay will be facilitating the "‘Finding the Stillness Within’ meditation class on Fridays from 11 am.
Having spent a lot of time away working in remote Aboriginal communities over the past 2 years, and visiting Tibet , in 2020 Darren will now be spending more time closer to home.
With this change he is looking forward to giving more time to the regular Friday meditation group, ‘Finding the Stillness Within'.
The group is suitable for all levels of meditators, Buddhist or non-Buddhist, including beginners. It is a friendly & informal atmosphere with opportunities for Q&A.
Each class typically includes a short discussion around principles from Buddhist philosophy, Buddhist and Western science of the mind and healing.
Mindfulness Meditation with Carl Kay: A Felt Sense, Breath and Body practice to Self-Awareness,and a Direct Experience approach to building a regular Practice in Meditation and daily living Mindfully! Simple and Practical approach to cultivating a Stable, Relaxed and Present state of mind, with Kindness and in Stillness. Psychological and Spiritual depth, within the principals of Buddhist Traditions.
Meditations focus on mindfulness and awareness. All levels of practice welcome.
By donation.
Valerie Druce facilitates the 'Healing Group' on Tuesday afternoons at 1 pm.
All levels of practice welcome.
By donation.